The course and curriculum will be led by Buck (@buckshot313) and Tyler (@wammer_hammer) from Triarii (@triariigroup_), with support from the Black Bear team. The course will take place entirely in the Black Bear Solution indoor training center (SITE-B) in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. The facility includes multiple simplified rooms for covering the fundamentals, team room with basic amenities and gym in addition to a two-story fully furnished house mock-up (140 square meters).
- Basic principles of room clearing
- Assessing structures to understand the best plan of action to achieve the most desirable outcome
- Decision making based on size and layout of structure
- Clearing in small elements such as two man teams
- Positive threat identification
- Low-light/No-light
We offer an option to upgrade to sim rounds and training weapons (Arex MT-X) at a higher cost (rental + ammo). If interested please contact us at
The price of the course includes full-time usage of the facility and availability of the instructors, equipment rental and cost of consumables, lunch on the first day of the course and a BBQ hangout at course finish, snacks and drinks on location throughout the course.
The course fee is 620€ + tax. If interested in registering, please send us an email with student info (no. of students, their full name/address and contact information (email, phone)) on You will then receive payment info and after confirmation your spot on the course will be secured.
We have an agreement with two accommodation providers for a discounted price available to our students. When making a reservation, let them know that you are here for the Black Bear Solution educational seminar.
Austria Trend Hotel (Ljubljana) ****
+386 (1) 588 2500
Hotel Dolenjc (Novo mesto) ***
+386 (40) 501 010
Another option is staying at the facility overnight (camping) which is free of charge. Bring your own sleeping pad.
For any additonal info, please contact us on
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